Flower Essence Consultations

Rose Hayhurst
0448 400 048
phone consultations are also available by appointment anywhere in Australia

Flower essence consultations include a card reading and a chakra balance.


Flower essences are a form of botanical medicine that work at an energetic level. Flower essences are made from the essence, the spirit, the vibration of the flower. When taken under the tongue in dropper doses the essence or vibration of the flower resonates internally with our own vibration which helps us to heal emotionally and spiritually from very deep within.

Flower essences work on a multitude of issues and past pains by supporting and gently releasing stored emotional memories.

Flower essences help to loosen & move subconscious beliefs stored deep within the cells and contained in many layers  within mind and body, so you can begin the journey and discovery of your own radiant, magnificent self.

All flower essence sessions include a card reading, which I use as a tool in the process of choosing the correct essences and a chakra balance which will leave you feeling calm and centered.

Half hour: $50

One hour: $90

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